
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

ICT Visit to Parkhurst SS

The Interactive White Board (IWB) - WOW, what a wonderful experience!!! Can't wait until I can get to use this amazing piece of technology in the real world i its applications seem endless and open to your imagination.

It was quite refreshing and inspiring to see the enthusiasm of all the presenters, which is a reflection of the whole school community.

I thoroughly enjoyed the session and would recommend that all pre-service teachers have an opportunity to experience this technology in action.

Many thanks Scot for making this experience possible.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Secondary students to benefit from 3D science resource

Here's something new from EDNA Education New - Secondary students to benefit from 3D science resource.

Innovative three-dimensional technology used in motion pictures such as Avatar will be employed by secondary science teachers following the launch of a new 3D online and CD resource for chemistry and biology.

USQ's Primary Industry Centre for Science Education has started to provide classroom-ready activities aimed at engaging both students and teachers, with the focus on Australian science, using this new technology.

Read the full media release.

There are free resource available.



Sunday, March 21, 2010

Interesting Article - "How Twitter in the Classroom is Boosting Student Engagement"

Hi All

Just surfing some of the Education sites I am currently following and came across an interesting article on the EDNA website - "How Twitter in the Classroom is Boosting Student Engagement".

Essentially, the article is saying that educators have discovered that through the use of laptops and iphones, using twitter has enabled them to engage and maintain student participation. It identifies two main benefits to using twitter:
  • Increased Participation; and
  • A Community of Learners
The following address is where the full article can be found and there is an interesting video attached:

Granted this article is talking about students at tertiary level but it may be possible to incorporate this idea into the secondary level.



Week 4

Good Morning

Up early this morning - following the progress of Ului and listening to the wind and rain as I cruised through the forum posts for this week.

Have viewed some interesting and informative blogs & wikis. Just have to get going and start adding to my blog.

Being from the 'old' school - I am very interested in how we, as educators/teachers, can enhance the learning journey of students, keeping them engaged and motivated, through the use of ICT's and our ever-changing technological world.

Cheers for now


Monday, March 15, 2010

Week 3

We here we are - Week 3.

Still trying to catch up and get myself back on track - currently running a week behind in readings and activities.

Testing this Blog thing again.

